

            These pages present a few curious and even unusual objects... Their making shows the creative genious of their inventor !


Fishing cross-bow
(circa 1900)

          Fishing with the cross-bow 

The rifle loaded with shots wounds more fishes than it kills them. When it is loaded with bullets, the fishes touched in the good place nearly allways fall in the depths of water before you can grasp them, what isn’t really convenient and therefore the sacrifice is a pure loss. We can remedy this inconvenient by using a crossbow. This ballistical engine can send a barbed spear with a penetration strength sufficient to permit it to go through a fish located 10 to 12 metrese far and with a 20 to 25cm depth. When depth is 50cm, distance should be reduced to 6 or 8m. Very often the fish can even be approached nearer. The spear is linked to the crossbow with a roped braid set on a kind of reel which allows to bring the victim up when it is hurt with the arrow.




          Crossbow fishing is the midway between fishing and hunting. It is the more entertaining sport we know. It is particularly recommended in pounds and rivers to catch big fishes as trouts, salmons, chuks, carps, barbels, ...etc that lie awash during hot weather, what make them more vulnerable. The spear (acting the part of an arrow) is a fibrine tube releasing automatically. It is 43cm long and its weight is no more than 35gr

Extracted from  « Pêcheur aux engins », Brochures Larousse, 1902.


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Made by the famous "Manufacture de Saint-Étienne" 

